Protect your income in case you can’t work due to sickness or injury

Income Protection provides a financial safety net should you be disabled as a result of sickness or injury. The monthly benefit is designed to cover a percentage of your income until you are able to get back to work.


WHAT DOES income protection COVER?

Income Protection is a monthly benefit paid based on a percentage of your income in the event of a disability, sickness or injury which results in you not being able to continue in your occupation.


Anyone with an income should consider Income Protection.

WHY TAKE OUT income protection?

If you could not afford to live without your income then Income Protection could be right for you.


General Benefits

protect your livelihood

Ensure your income is covered in the case of disability, sickness or injury that prevents you from working.


Upon disability or in case of sickness or injury preventing you from working, you will receive a monthly payment for the period that you are unable to return to work.

flexible options

If you are able to return to work part-time, you may be entitled to a partial disability benefit to top up your income.

Flexible options for stand down periods and payment periods to suit your needs and budget.


We Can Assist You In Choosing The Right Type Cover Based On Your Needs

Whether you currently have insurance or are looking to take out cover, we can help you. We offer a full review of your insurance needs looking at all of your requirements.

We take a personal approach with every client to make sure we fully understand your unique situation and we provide you with a solution that suits your needs, it’s not one size fits all!